James Dobson Endorses Mike Huckabee

From the Associated Press:

James Dobson, one of the nation’s most prominent evangelical Christian leaders, backed Mike Huckabee‘s presidential bid Thursday night, giving the former Arkansas governor a long-sought endorsement as the Republican field narrowed to a two-man race.

In a statement first obtained by The Associated Press, Dobson reiterated his declaration on Super Tuesday that he could not in good conscience vote for John McCain, the front-runner, because of concerns over the Arizona senator’s conservative credentials.

Dobson said given the situation at that point, he was reluctant to choose between “two pro-family candidates whom I could support” — Huckabee and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

But Dobson wrote that Romney’s announcement Thursday that he was suspending his campaign “changed the political landscape.”

“The remaining candidate for whom I could vote is Governor Huckabee,” Dobson said. “His unwavering positions on the social issues, notably the institution of marriage, the importance of faith and the sanctity of human life, resonate deeply with me and with many others … Obviously, the governor faces an uphill struggle, given the delegates already committed to Senator McCain. Nevertheless, I believe he is our best remaining choice for president of the United States.”

McCain has won more than 707 nominating delegates, more than half the 1,191 needed to win the nomination. Huckabee has 195.

Dobson is a fool, on top of being a Christian fascist.

Pam thinks that Dobson may be sending a message to the guy who will be the Republican nominee: “Folks, this pretty much signals that Dobson wants Huck on the ticket. Will McCain kneel before Daddy D?”

Michael Stickings thinks the Dobson stamp of approval will help Huckabee, although not enough to get the nomination:

Huckabee will almost certainly get a boost from this, just as he’ll get a boost from Romney’s withdrawal. But it won’t matter. Huckabee may be a social conservative, but he isn’t what the anti-McCain purificationists of the conservative movement are looking for. While he could make some races more competitive, it’s doubtful he’ll stay in the race much longer.

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