New To the Blogroll

In the past seven days or so — since Blogroll Amnesty Day on Feb. 3 — I have added over 50 new blogging voices to my blogroll. Some I added specifically for B.A.D. Some I added after Feb. 3, because I still was filled with the B.A.D. spirit. Some are blogs I’ve either known about for a long time or read regularly or both, but just never got around before now to blogrolling. Others I found on the blogrolls of bloggers I had already blogrolled. They might not have been known to me before that point, but once I looked at them, I knew I wanted to read them again. So here they are:

Happy reading!

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3 Comments on “New To the Blogroll”

  1. archcrone Says:

    Kathy, when did you make the move to wordpress?

  2. Kathy Says:

    About five days ago. :-)

  3. archcrone Says:

    okay, so I not as far behind as I thought. Welcome.

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