Smarmy Joe Can’t Vote for Democratic Candidate

Democratic National Committee to Joe Lieberman: You cannot support the Republican candidate for president and the Democratic candidate for president in the same election:

The Democratic National Committee stripped Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman […] of his “superdelegate” status following his December endorsement of fellow senator John McCain of Arizona, a Republican, in this year’s presidential race. The move means that Lieberman — who has been persona non grata in the Democratic Party since losing renomination in the 2006 Democratic primary and subsequently winning re-election to the Senate as an independent — will be unable to cast a vote for the party’s nominee at the Democratic National Convention in August.

Democratic leaders at both the state and local levels said they are baffled at Lieberman’s decision to support a Republican but are unsurprised that the DNC has decided to deny him a vote at the convention.

“I’ve heard that from so many people who think Joe Lieberman just went too far outside the party tent when he endorsed a Republican,” Connecticut Democratic Chairwoman Nancy DiNardo said Sunday. “He’s virtually turned his back on friends who did a lot for him over so many years.”

Lieberman’s endorsement puts him at odds with a statement he made in a July 2006 debate against primary challenger Edward “Ned” Lamont SOM ’80. At the time, Lieberman pledged to support a Democrat for president in the 2008 election.

But Lieberman defended his endorsement in a Feb. 3 New York Post column, citing the need for bipartisan cooperation in the face of threats from Islamist terrorists.

“I know that it is unusual for someone like me — an Independent Democrat — to support a Republican candidate for president,” he wrote. “But the dangers we face as a nation are too profound … for us to let partisan politics decide who we will support.”

And of course Joe Lieberman is not supporting a particular party’s political ideology when he supports the candidate who wants the U.S. to be in Iraq for 100 years.

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