Fuck Kudlow

I am PISSED, royally, I have never used that word on-line. I always figured that I had a better command of the English language that I did not have to use crude 4-letter words.

But not only is Kudlow as full of shit as a Christmas goose, and I have a good friend that lost her job yesterday, but Bloombergs confirms here that consumer confidence is going down the porcelain receptacle.

Recession may be too restrictive a word. But when the consumer is so far in debt that they must choose between making the credit card payments or buying food and paying rent, the economy has some serious underlying problems.

As far as I am concerned, neither Kudlow nor Bush nor anyone else in that income bracket give a shit about you, me or anyone reading this.

UPDATE: From the New York Times, the economic news goes from bad to horrible. These two grafs grabbed me

Meanwhile, a closely watched measure of consumer confidence, the Reuters/University of Michigan survey, fell to 69.6 in February, the lowest reading since February 1992. It had stood at 78.4 in January.

Consumers are likely cowed by a softening labor market — the Labor Department said employers cut 17,000 jobs last month — and rising inflation, which is forcing Americans to cut back on spending.

Some folks, in the face of overwhelming evidence, cannot admit they are wrong. Kudlow, Kramer, Paulson, Bernanke and hundreds more will never admit they’ve made a mistake.

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2 Comments on “Fuck Kudlow”

  1. elayneriggs Says:

    “neither Kudlow nor Bush nor anyone else in that income bracket give a shit about you, me or anyone reading this.” Hear hear, especially the phrase “anyone else in that income bracket.” That includes a lot of folks liberals look up to as heroes. We will never, ever be in the same income bracket as court jesters Stewart, Colbert, Maher, Carlin, etc. We will never, ever be in the same income bracket as “truth to power” advocates like Olbermann. They will ALWAYS have more in common with others in their income bracket — even with their supposed adversaries — than they ever will with us. And that’s where their first loyalties will ever lie.

  2. Chief Says:

    I would put Stewart, Colbert, Maher, Carlin and Olbermann in the category of nouveau riche. They work for a living. These folks are not in the income bracket that I was considering. I was referring to people that make tens or hundreds of millions a year from investments and interest. I would include Sens. Kennedy & Rockefeller in the group that makes big bucks from a huge trust fund. Is Kennedy for the little guy ? ? ?

    There may be some truth in what you say but FDR helped the poor by starting jobs programs during the ’30s. Or FDR may have done it as part of self-preservation of the moneyed-class. FDR did not want a revolution fomented by the communists.

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