You Get The Government You Pay For

Disclaimer: Prior to the Nov ’06 election, Ohio was ruled for decades by Republicans.

I have a 28 year old grandson who must pay child support to the mother of the children that he is the father of. A court order says so. And even though he does not listen well, when his parents told him to have the child support automatically deducted from his pay, he did it. And he has the pay stubs to show that the correct amount was deducted from his pay.

But when he filed his taxes and expected a refund, he was told that the refund went to pay back child support.

Come to find out, the company sent the money in to the correct state agency. The money sat there for awhile and then was sent back to the company and the mother NEVER GOT IT.

So, he pays twice, the mother gets it once and the company has a windfall.

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