Rachel Corrie: April 10, 1979 – March 16, 2003

Kevin Hayden has videos, and a photograph of Rachel immediately after she was killed. It’s a close-up of her face, and it ain’t pretty. Look at it only if you’re feeling strong.

James, at the Mahatma X Files, has an eyewitness account of how she died, as well as many links to information about her life and the events surrounding her death.

In a comment to Kevin’s post, the talking dog notes the odd timing of her death — three days before the U.S. invaded Iraq:

Ms. Corrie’s is one of the saddest stories of someone trying to do the right thing. What was even worse was her abysmal sense of timing, as just days after her death, “shock and awe” blew up the first wave of innocent bystanders in Iraq, to be met by the following five years of nation-un-building at American hands (which, at $3 trillion, 4,000 American lives, and countless Iraqi lives, may help un-build our nation too).

You are remembered and missed, Rachel. Rest in peace.

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