Food & Labor

From Raw Story comes this story about a major grower of tomatoes in Pennsylvania.

Saying the nation’s immigration system is broken, Pennsylvania’s largest grower of fresh-to-market tomatoes announced Monday he will no longer produce the crop because he can’t find enough workers to harvest it.

What the grower is really saying is that he can’t find enough local people who will work for below minimum wage for a few months of the year. Well, somebody tell me I’m wrong when I say that, if the grower was willing to pay a living wage, say $15 an hour, he would have to put up fences to keep the applicants out. If one wants to, they can blame the problem on the U.S. government’s century-old policy of cheap food.

But farm owners can find the workers if they are willing to pay for them. If the farm owners do not want to rely on illegals and/or undocumented workers then let them find a less labor intensive crop to grow.

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