Ten Myths About Jury Trials, Explained

Here they are, from Richard J. Crawford, founder and past national president of the American Society of Trial Consultants (h/t Jeralyn).

  1. Your only chance as a defendant is to have lots of money.
  2. Innocence will protect you in a criminal trial.
  3. Lawyers prefer jurors with little formal education.
  4. Defendants should always take the stand in their own defense.
  5. Jurors sometimes find defendants innocent.
  6. Defense lawyers who defend those they know to be guilty are unethical.
  7. A trial is about discovering the truth.
  8. Jurors deliberate in the classic sense until they reach their verdict.
  9. Evidence drives the outcome of jury verdicts.
  10. When a jury votes guilty, that is final.
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2 Comments on “Ten Myths About Jury Trials, Explained”

  1. Chief Says:

    I went to the link and read all the explanations. #8 – I was the only person on a 12 person jury that would not vote guilty. Yeah there is a lot of pressure. I felt that the only thing the defendant was guilty of was being poor. 20 year old HS drop-out with a wife & 4 kids.

    I think they reached a plea agreement in lieu of a re-trial.

  2. Kathy Says:

    Good for you, Chief. Not many people would have the moral courage to do the right thing under that kind of pressure.

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