Another Dirty Bomb Aimed at Obama Backfires

It looks like Obama has not suffered any long-term damage by having said that small-town and rural Americans vote for the social conservative agenda because they know it’s useless to vote their economic interests. That is quite significant, considering how much effort the far right and Hillary Clinton put into talking and writing about what they call “bittergate.” For the past several days, right-wing bloggers and pundits have been going on about it as if nothing else was happening in the world.

And Hillary Clinton — oy, ayyaiyai! She brought it up in every public appearance for four days straight, until one audience finally told her to shut up already.

The take-away lesson “would seem to be that perhaps the chattering class should wait until the people have spoken before they starting claiming great offense on their behalf. It might not make you look quite so… how shall I put this… out of touch.”

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