Five-and-a-Half Years

Rarely does a news event happen when one can remember exactly what they were doing when it happened. Okay, I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard that President Kennedy was shot.

But I’m not talking about such “earth shattering for everybody” events. I ‘m talking about more common news that affects only a few. So, this piece interests me because I can date it exactly and all that I have done since.

The three men were captured in February 2003.

The three Americans, Marc Gonsalves, Keith Stansell and Thomas Howes, were captured in 2003 while working for the Northrop Grumman Corporation after their surveillance plane went down on an antinarcotics mission for the Pentagon.

Here is what I have done since that time:

  • Retired
  • Finished a Bachelor’s degree
  • Attended one semester of law school.
  • Bought a motor home to see the country from (4 years ago), seven MPG
  • Totally remodeled, inside & out, our ‘Lake House’ in Illinois.
  • Had a double bypass (2 years ago)
  • Moved to Ohio
  • Growing two green thumbs, as evidenced by my garden posts.

What have you been doing for the last five and a half years?

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