This is What I Hoped For . . .

when I voted for Barack Obama for president.  From the Wall Street Journal comes this encouraging piece

On abortion and related matters, action is expected early on executive, regulatory, budgetary and legislative fronts.

And not just on abortion, although, to me that is the signature event defining the un-caring, whacko right and those of us have compassion for our fellow human beings.  Broad areas of letting adults be adults and government’s role in helping them lead healthy productive lives.

Decisions that the new administration will weigh include: whether to cut funding for sexual abstinence programs; whether to increase funding for comprehensive sex education programs that include discussion of birth control; whether to allow federal health plans to pay for abortions; and whether to overturn regulations such as one that makes fetuses eligible for health-care coverage under the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Women’s health advocates are also pushing for a change in rules that would lower the cost of birth control at college health clinics.

Obama aides will have to settle many of these questions in issuing their first budget in February.

“We have a lot of work to do to fix the damage the Bush administration has done,” said Nancy Keenan, president of NARAL Pro-Choice America.

A government, not controlled by the religious right but run by intelligent secular adults is going to be a big step in the correct direction for the ‘ship-of-state.’

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