This Is Why . . . UPDATE

This is why you must vote on November 6th and why you must vote for Democrats – exclusively.

What do you think.  You think that some of those vets, maybe a lot of those vets, that are among the unemployed are possibly Republicans?

Senate Democrats failed to achieve cloture and thus prevent a filibuster on the legislation. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) led the opposition to the bill, arguing that the nation’s debt overrode its obligations to help veterans get jobs, and only 5 Republicans voted to proceed with the debate, leaving Democrats two votes short of the 60 required to block a threatened Republican filibuster.

. . .

Matt McAlvanah, a spokesman for Murray, said: “Patty Murray’s position is that, with unemployment of young veterans close to 20% and veterans suicide continuing to be epidemic, we cannot put a price on the amount of care we’re working to provide veterans.”

The Democrat-sponsored bill has already been extensively rewritten to include amendments by Republicans and has bipartisan support. Eight of the 12 provisions in the bill were Republican originated ideas.

. . .

Such political battles over legislation are not unusual within the current, polarised Congress. The 112th Congress is on course to break records for the least productive body on a generation, passing only 173 laws, below the 906 enacted in what President Harry Truman referred to as the “Do Nothing” Congress in 1947-8 according to the New York Times.

Some people have no shame (Sen. Coburn I’m talking to you) using as political pawns those who risked life and maybe left some limbs, to allow you your freedoms.

Shame on you Senator Coburn and the 41 other Republicans who voted against cloture, denying jobs to thousands of vets just so President Obama does not get any credit.




UPDATE:  From The Rachel Maddow Show this evening.

Rachel highlighted four Republican senators.  They were

  • Senator John Boozman  (R) Arkansas
  • Senator Mike Johanns  (R) Nebraska
  • Senator Richard Burr  (R) North Carolina
  • Senator Pat Toomey  (R) Pennsylvania

Quoting Rachel, ” All wrote parts of the bill . . . and the Republicans wrote most of the bill, these four super stars all added their stuff that they wanted in the bill . . .  they got what they wanted and then they voted NO !”

Double SHAME on these four cowards.

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