Archive for March 6, 2008

Email to candidate Clinton

March 6, 2008

I sent the below to the Clinton campaign at this URL

Your praising Sen McCain over Sen Obama makes me question your ability to think clearly and to also question your hiring decisions. As a 67 year old retired Navy veteran, I am deeply disappointed in your conduct since the beginning of March.

You appear to be in favor of a McCain in the White House over an Obama victory in November.

Really. Hillary’s conduct is beyond the pale.

UPDATE:  MaHa nails it here.

Lack of Jobs

March 6, 2008

Just because I have been retired for a few years, it doesn’t mean that I don’t pay attention to what is going on around me. I have friends and relatives that are either unemployed or under-employed and actively looking for a job.

But this in the NYT is both shocking and discouraging. The “subprime and Alt-A” mess has started to affect prime borrowers (those with good credit and fixed-rate mortgages) because of lay-offs. I mean it stands to reason that as consumers cut back and spend less, companies that are selling less are eventually going to have to lay off employees, who will spend less. And the cycle keeps going on.

BooMan has what I would call an in-depth and deeply disturbing piece on the economy, on foreclosures, on joblessness and on how George W. bush has FUBARed the country.

This will give you a flavor from BooMan

Maybe someone in the White House has been reading the news over the last several days, and maybe even reading them to the president. (Though until a reporter asked about it, Bush hadn’t heard that gas might soon cost $4 per gallon.) But even the president might not have needed his news predigested this time, because even a perusal of the headlines in the last few days indicates that something — like that middle class anger in the last post — is building, and it’s getting a point where more and more people have nothing else left. And, it follows, nothing left to lose.

I cannot improve on what they wrote. Go read.

Bush – Actions Have Consequences

March 6, 2008

Disclaimer: I don’t know enough about this subject to know just how damaging this will be to the Bush family fortunes.

Having said that this story in the Wall Street Journal about Carlyle Capital Corp a public corporation that is managed by the private equity firm Carlyle Group. George H. W. Bush is a shareholder and former board member of Carlyle Group according to The Agonist.

Bottom line: as of 11:30 AM on 6 March Carlyle Capital is down 58.33%. But at late afternoon I can find no updated info. It is like trading has been suspended in that issue.

Pres. Bush Listens To His Commanding Officers …

March 6, 2008

… when they tell him what he wants to hear, that is:

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has called CENTCOM commander Adm. William Fallon “one of the best strategic thinkers in uniform today.” Fallon opposed the “surge” in Iraq and has consistently battled the Bush administration to avoid a confrontation with Iran, calling officials’ war-mongering “not helpful.” Privately, he has vowed that an attack on Iran “will not happen on my watch.”

Unfortunately, this level-headed thinking and willingness to stand up to President Bush may cost him his job. According to a new article by Thomas P.M. Barnett in the April issue of Esquire magazine (on newsstands March 12), Fallon may be prematurely “relieved of his command” as soon as this summer:

[W]ell-placed observers now say that it will come as no surprise if Fallon is relieved of his command before his time is up next spring, maybe as early as this summer, in favor of a commander the White House considers to be more pliable. If that were to happen, it may well mean that the president and vice-president intend to take military action against Iran before the end of this year and don’t want a commander standing in their way.

Thought of the Day

March 6, 2008