Archive for June 4, 2009

Just In Case You Missed This

June 4, 2009

Apparently, the dialogue regarding Israel and the Palestinians has a new member.  J Street has some members of Congress listening to them.  And J Street is the new kid in town.

That was a sticking point for Rep. Barney Frank, who sent his own letter to Obama Tuesday, endorsing all of AIPAC’s goals except for that one.

Given the fact that we are both democracies where public policy should ultimately set with the support of the people in each country, it would be a mistake to refuse to discuss important differences on how to achieve our mutual goals in a way that the electorates in both countries could understand,” Frank wrote.

J Street sides with Frank, whom its PAC endorsed in 2008. In its view, Israel shouldn’t get special treatment.

Evidently, President Obama does, too.

A conversation out in the open is a good place to begin.