Archive for June 8, 2009

Lost and Lonely Without the Baby Killers

June 8, 2009

Their meaning in life is gone now:

At the New York Times, Monica Davey gives us a glimpse into the whacky world of the Fetus People. Apparently the murder of Dr. George Tiller has confounded the vocational jerks who have besieged his clinic for years . Now they literally don’t know what to do with themselves.

I take it there are people who actually moved to Wichita just so they could picket Dr. Tiller’s clinic. I suppose some of them have spouses who work to earn a living, but one does wonder if they’re being paid.


Some of them don’t believe Dr. Tiller’s clinic is really going to close; or, at least, there are no immediate plans to re-open it.

Despite the family announcement about the clinic’s uncertain future, some here seem convinced that it will secretly reopen on Monday. On Sunday, Mr. Gietzen said some of his more than 600 trained volunteers already were organized in shifts for a new week, in case visiting doctors were flown in.

Picketing that clinic was their purpose in life. In some ways, they may miss it more than anyone else. …

Noting that Scott Roeder has warned more attacks are coming, D-Day wonders if this isn’t a “One Percent Doctrine” situation:

The conservative philosophy of a “one percent doctrine” means that if there’s a one percent chance Roeder is telling the truth, then we must use every tool at our disposal to stop attacks. So intellectually honest conservatives like Dick Cheney will presumably endorse harsh interrogation tactics and indefinite detention for the anti-abortion right.

Waiting for that press release to come by my desk any time now.

Of course, Roeder will not be tortured, and should not be tortured — that principle is absolute. But it’s interesting to examine why the same logic that Dick Cheney used to justify torture in the case of foreign detainees isn’t being used in Roeder’s case:

And it is equally evident that this guy won’t be tortured — and rightfully so — because even though lives are at risk, it seems plain as day that torture is wrong when it is an American in custody, even when the American is charged with murder and making explicit threats, whereas some of the foreigners we tortured turned out to have been guilty of nothing except being rounded up by bounty hunters.

Steve Hynd makes yet another apt connection.