Archive for June 19, 2009


June 19, 2009

Yeah, I’m mad.  Pissed might better state how I feel.  I recently received a lukewarm, at best, or dismissive, at most, response from my Democrat Senator from Ohio, Mr. Sherrod Brown.

I had noticed this post by digby and I followed the link to a WebMD post from almost two years ago.

I sent the following to Senator Brown earlier this morning:

Dear Senator Brown:

I received your lukewarm, at best, reply to the letter I sent you regarding ‘single-payer’ as an option in the current health care debate.

I don’t mind paying your salary, or the president of the United States salary.  I view both of you and the rest of Congress as a relative bargain, I mean, considering what most of you folks could make in the private sector.

But, when it come to the “common good” such as defense and health, I do not feel comfortable paying an outrageous salary to the CEOs of health insurance and pharmaceutical companies.  And I feel less comfortable, if that is possible, paying large salaries to the executives and boards of directors of these same companies.

Attached is a link to WebMD that shows some of these unconscionable salaries that, just for CEOs listed, total 14.9 billion, yes that is billion, for a five year period.

Below my electronic signature is a copy of the ‘linked-to’ article.


“Capitalism,”  “for-profit,” “the economic model” – what ever you want to call it, is just wrong when there are upwards of 50 million of our fellow Americans without health insurance and the insurance companies are allowed to cancel anyones existing insurance FOR ANY REASON WHAT-SO-EVER.