Archive for June 20, 2009

True Story

June 20, 2009

Short, but true. I am related to this young man by marriage. I get the story second hand and will not probe for details. I have seen combat and am sensitive enough not to ask any questions.

He was a U.S. Marine. He was riding in a Humvee in Iraq.  He bent over to pick up something off of the floor. At that instant a sniper’s bullet passed through where he had been and killed his best buddy sitting next to him.

When he returned to the States he turned to religion. He had a difficult time coping. He felt that he should have died and not his friend. His aunt spent hours with him. She explained that God didn’t want him yet. He had a purpose here on earth.

That’s all I know. Apparently, this is heading for a pleasant resolution and he adjusts. And life, for the rest of us, continues.