Archive for August 11, 2009

The Inheritance

August 11, 2009

I am an inveterate reader of books about current events and history.  But I don’t do book reports.  Occasionally I will refer to a book and author in a post, but it is up to the reader to decide if that book is for them.

And I am not going to do a book report now.  But I do want to mention a book that lists some of the biggest challenges facing the United States and how George W.  Bush failed those challenges and what President Obama might do to ameliorate those challenges.  Maybe a book you want to have on your end table for the next couple of years to refer to, to see how we are doing.

The Inheritance: The World Obama Confronts and the Challenges to American Power by David E. Sanger.

Women – Afghanistan

August 11, 2009

McClatchy has this interesting piece about the situation for women in Afghanistan.  From my readings the article refers to Pashtun women.  The Pashtuns live in the southern two-thirds of Afghanistan. 

Cities in the north and west, such as Mazer-e-Sharif, Kunduz, Bamiyan and Herat, have a large population of Central Asians – Turkmen, Uzbeks and Tajiks – which are Shia Muslims. 

While both of these groups are Muslims, the Pashtuns are Sunni.