Archive for June 16, 2009

Double-Standard AND A Hypocrite

June 16, 2009

RawStory has this up

Nevada Republican Senator John Ensign, considered a possible contender for the GOP’s presidential ticket in 2012, has confessed to an extramarital affair.

I may not think the Dem senator from Nevada, Majority Leader Harry Reid,  is a strong leader, but he’s faithful to his wife.

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) said at the time that Ensign’s criticism exhibited a clear double standard.

“I don’t think they’ll ask [Vitter] to resign because, of course, he’d be replaced by a Democrat,” he added. “It’s easier to ask Larry Craig to resign because he’d be replaced by a Republican.”

Sen. Ensign has not resigned.

Of course the douche-bag won’t resign.  He’ll be like Vitter and drag his wife to the presser to show how they’ve gotten past this little affair.

GOP Refuses to Fund War Spending Bill

June 16, 2009

Voting against the International Monetary Fund is more important than supporting what Republicans have been telling us is the highest, most untouchable priority in all of American public life.