Archive for June 24, 2009

Will the Guv Resign

June 24, 2009

South Carolina governor Mark Sanford has a little over a year left on his second term.  He is prohibited by law from running for a third term.  A run for the Republican candidacy for president is clearly out of the question.

After the Republican dominated state legislature over-rode ten of his vetoes at the end of their just completed session and the state supreme court ruled against the governor about his refusal to take stimulus funds, I would say that he is the lamest of lame ducks.

Republicans would love for him to resign.  Then there would be a Republican incumbant for the next general election.

Democrats would love to see him stay in office.  It would kind of level the field come the general.

I predict that sometime before Labor Day, Gov. Sanford will quietly resign.  Some kind of back room deal will reward him with some position down the road, after everyone has forgotten.