Archive for August 14, 2009

I’m Sure

August 14, 2009

this will result in a lot of new customers for the Marriot chain.  N. O. T.

A downtown hotel being sued by a woman raped at gunpoint in its parking garage is claiming she was careless, negligent and “failed to exercise due care for her own safety and the safety of her children and proper use of her senses and facilities,”

We’ve heard all these excuses before.  Blaming the victum for the crime is the slime-balls way of trying to evade rsponsibility for not keeping the premises secure.  Wonder what they’d say if it happened in the lobby by the check-in desk ??

Is This A Case Of

August 14, 2009

two plus two equals what we think it does?

First, go out to this piece on FDL Seminal.  It is long and requires a fair amount of concentration.  Then come back and read what Dr. Hern has to say.


Welcome News

August 14, 2009

In the fight against the dreaded cancer sickness, this story at RawStory is definitely good news.

A new study conducted on mice has uncovered a chemical compound that effectively targets cancer stem cells — the key cells that spread malignant tumors and are usually resistant to treatment.

For whatever reason, cancer is an expanding scourge.  I have had far to many friends, including my mother, die from some type of cancer.