Archive for August 2009

Prostate Cancer

August 31, 2009

From Roll Call they report

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.) has been diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer and is beginning treatment, the 16-term lawmaker said Monday in a statement.

[ . . . . ]

“In late July, during a routine checkup, my PSA (prostate-specific antigen) levels were found to be high, which can be an indicator of prostate cancer,” Sensenbrenner said in a statement. “After some additional testing was conducted, the doctor confirmed that I have an early stage of prostate cancer. Fortunately, it was caught in time, and the cancer has not spread beyond the prostate.”

I wish Representative Sensenbrenner a speedy recovery and many more years as a “cancer survivor.”

Sunday Round-Up

August 30, 2009

And this is surprising ? ?  Follow the Money

Five things you need to know.  Health care lies, lies and more lies.  De-bunked.

He gives misogyny a new definition.  And he might be a governor.

And lest you think I only criticize Republicans, think Illinois and probably Massachusetts.

I do not necessarily agree with Senator Feingold, but his thoughts are a good place to begin a national discussion.

And finally, Bob Herbert’s thoughts on the Kennedy family.

A Bay Stater’s View of Ted Kennedy

August 28, 2009

I graduated from high school in Massachusetts when a different Kennedy was a senator from Massachusetts.  Upon graduation, I joined the Navy and left the Bay State.  Upon hearing of Senator Kennedy’s death, I emailed a classmate who, except for his college years, has lived his whole life in eastern Massachusetts and asked:

Friend & Classmate,

You, having spent your whole life in Massachusetts certainly would have a different perspective on this than I do.  What are your thoughts on Ted Kennedy?

His response:


You have to remember that I have worked in human services all my life and the people I have worked with have benefited greatly from legislation that was originated, generally, by Teddy Kennedy.  Children’s health, disability and mental health legislation – the list goes on and on.  Although I am a lifelong Democrat, I think I am fiscally more conservative than the Teddy Kennedy wing of the party is, although I would also call us definite social liberals.  All in all I think that he did more to advance the cause of human and civil rights over his 47 years as a senator than anyone else I can think of.  It will seem strange not having a Kennedy in office – Jack Kennedy was the first I knew of and I have always been disappointed that I was too young in 1960 to vote for him.  Ted Kennedy was responsible for getting the voting age lowered to 18 and I think that is a good thing.  He was definitely bigger than life and I think that his life was shaped by forces bigger than he.  Certainly his mistakes were also bigger than life but by the time his father and brothers had set the standard for a lower than average moral code, poor Teddy had been well schooled!  All in all, a great life, a great benefit to the common man and a politician who understood the real meaning of the word “all,” as in “Liberty and Justice for all.”
Just my view…..

‘Nuff said.


August 27, 2009

From McClatchy

Ted Kennedy, R. I. P.

August 26, 2009

Steve Clemons at The Washington Note has the most intelligent remembrance of Senator Kennedy I have seen this morning.  Not fawning, but analytical, it explains in a minimum of words the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of the late Senator.

My thoughts are how lucky we have been as a nation to have a person with his abilities to spend his life in “public service,” instead of making hundreds of millions in the private sector.  His legacy will live on in the many bright people that he and his senior staff have nurtured over the many decades that he has served our country.

Health Care

August 23, 2009

Connie Schultz, columnist at the Cleveland Plain Dealer and wife of Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, had a column last Sunday on her personal experience regarding health care.  It is a very good read on multiple levels.


Watch Out

August 19, 2009

Watch out if your 9-digit social Security Number begins with a ZERO.

Holly Ramer, a AP writer, has this bit of info which I found on Yahoo.


Of course, it is not surprising that no one wants to assist solving this problem.

The fuzzy image is more readable if you re size it to 150%.

I’m Sure

August 14, 2009

this will result in a lot of new customers for the Marriot chain.  N. O. T.

A downtown hotel being sued by a woman raped at gunpoint in its parking garage is claiming she was careless, negligent and “failed to exercise due care for her own safety and the safety of her children and proper use of her senses and facilities,”

We’ve heard all these excuses before.  Blaming the victum for the crime is the slime-balls way of trying to evade rsponsibility for not keeping the premises secure.  Wonder what they’d say if it happened in the lobby by the check-in desk ??

Is This A Case Of

August 14, 2009

two plus two equals what we think it does?

First, go out to this piece on FDL Seminal.  It is long and requires a fair amount of concentration.  Then come back and read what Dr. Hern has to say.


Welcome News

August 14, 2009

In the fight against the dreaded cancer sickness, this story at RawStory is definitely good news.

A new study conducted on mice has uncovered a chemical compound that effectively targets cancer stem cells — the key cells that spread malignant tumors and are usually resistant to treatment.

For whatever reason, cancer is an expanding scourge.  I have had far to many friends, including my mother, die from some type of cancer.